Monday, October 7, 2013

Q & A

When I'm out running I usually have enough time to think of something to write about.  Whether humorous, insightful, or thought provoking, I usually have something that must be shared with the world! ...yup, I know, but there's no need to thank me. 

So tonight, while pounding the pavement in my Brooks, I had a thought cross my mind, which I will get to momentarily.

I'm still pretty new to this running thing and have a lot to learn.  So I have a lot of questions.  How should I train for my first 5K?  Should I run in the morning rather than in the evening?  Should I rest my body more?  Should I push myself harder than I currently do? 

Then when I finally start running in races I have questions when it comes to preparation.  How much rest should I get the night before?  What should I eat?  Should I start quick or just pace myself?

I know I'll figure out the answers to most if not all of these questions sooner or later.  But there's one question that continues to cause me concern.  One that I haven't had to find the answer to yet, is one that I nearly had to answer this evening!

...what exactly am I supposed to do if nature calls while I'm running??

I mean really?  What do other runners do?  I try to stay hydrated throughout the day but also make sure I "take care of business" before going out to run.

I've heard horror stories of runners who answer the call mid stride!  Are you freaking kidding me?  They just open the flood gates...literally! Even if I ever get to 10k, half or even full marathons, I sincerely hope that my time takes a backseat to my bladder!

I assume that most races have strategically placed JOtS's (Johnny On the Spot) to help the racers who would rather have dry shorts over 30 seconds less on their times.  (if not dry, at least wet from sweat)

I know there are other things I'm going to need to focus on when it comes to race day, but none of them raise as much concern as this particular one.

Good run tonight.  Really pushed it the first 2 miles.  Ran them in 19:46!  Best pace ever.

2.97 miles, 30:23


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