Thursday, June 5, 2014

Don't call it a comeback!

No I didn't leave. I've been here the whole time. Just sitting on the couch reflecting on my most recent year of running. Unfortunately I caught the lazy bug again. Started off the first of the year somewhat consistent considering it was nipple cracking cold most of the time. Spent a lot of time on the treadmill watching The Walking Dead.

Got outside when it was a bit warmer fully enclosed in my winter running gear.  But even that didn't keep me consistent.  So there I sat...lazy to the bone.

I did run a couple times in the past few months.  My Baby Girl wanted to run a color run this year so we signed up for The Color Vibe when it came to our area. So in preparation for this event I ran 2 whole times the week before. ...I know! Dedicated huh?

Well disregarding the last couple months of lethargy, I laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement.

Tonight was special because I got to get out with My Woman! She's been on an incredible healthy streak lately and is inspiring me to get my butt in gear!

2 miles of walking and 2 miles of running.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Like a fart in the wind!

Ok, so let me explain this title...

When you are a movie fan, you can hear one word or a series of words and it will trigger a scene or line in a movie.  If you're really bad, you can talk in movie lines throughout dinner (which My Woman is not a fan of).


So its been awhile since I ran last.  12 days to be exact.  Doesn't sound like a lot but when you're a world class athlete it's like forever!  :|

So as I'm thinking about what to write, I thought..."I finally got out to's a miracle."  To which my brain automatically jumps to the scene in the movie The Shawshank Redemption when Warden Norton discovers that prisoner Andy Dufresne is not in his cell despite being counted in the previous night's bed check.  In the scene he starts getting angry and exclaims "Lordy!  Its a miracle!  The man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!"

...yeah I know.  

Could be that the word fart is in the line.  That helps it to stick right at the top of my list of favorites.

Decent run.  Little chilly, lots of field burning really helped my wheezing too.

2.48 miles 26:20


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dodging worms and chasing lightning!

Yeah, not near as exciting as it sounds...

In the two nights I have run this week I have encountered high winds and cold rains. But that's par for the course when talking about springtime in middle America.

During my last year of running, I've faced many dangers on the streets and roads of our little town. Things like giant flying insects, bats, dogs, inattentive drivers, and of course, Mr LePew.

Well tonight's run added a few more to that list.

During my day I don't watch much TV until later in the evening. Between working all day, figuring out dinner, helping kids with homework, laundry, trying to squeeze in a run, know, normal family stuff, My Woman and I don't spend a ton of time in front of the boob tube. A few times a week I'll sit down and watch the news. This is about the only time I catch a forecast of the local weather.
Well apparently I should have been watching the weather because after I laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement, I realized there was a good bit of flashing going on above. Fortunately for me, the strikes were all above the cloud layer and not like a visitor from Asgard. So I headed out.

Not far into my run I realized my hazards tonight were not strictly above my head. But they were below my Brooks as well. Due to the persistent rain today, worms had decided to come out and enjoy the cool moist weather.

Contrary to some opinions, worms do not come out when it rains so as not to drown, but rather to get busy (or bizaay) or escape moles. Interesting I know! Yet another chance for education, read here.

So how is this a hazard?

Well, if you are running with proper technique, you aren't staring at the ground. And if you aren't staring at the ground then you're not gonna see those slippery, slimy, slick, mucus covered poop factories beneath your feet! And of course I ALWAYS run with proper technique!


Luckily I arrived home unscathed. No charred electrical burns or road rashes from slipping on many favorite live bait.

Ran pretty good tonight. 9:25 first mile, 19:58 at the 2 mile mark.

2.52 miles, 25:45.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gorilla Force Winds

Ho-ly Cow!

Nothing like spring time in the Heartland!

Wikipedia defines the term gale as a very strong wind (no kidding Captain Obvious).  However, what I didn't know is that there are many different levels of gales.  So in writing this run's post, I did a bit of research...which means I Googled it.

Educate yourself with a little Wikipedia knowledge here.

I've decided that my favorite type of gale is is the Fresh Gale.  But I wonder, is that when the wind is copping a feel?  Might as well have been tonight as I came home feeling all groped like a Vegas cocktail waitress.

Still a good run for being a Monday.

3.06 miles, 34:34.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Late Late Show...

Not a lot of material tonight.  Just a real late run.  Like after 10pm!  But I didnt want to go more than 2 days without running.

2 miles, 27:00


Monday, March 24, 2014

1 year and 6 days...

It's been exactly 1 year and 6 days since I started running...again.

If you've read any of my early posts of this blog you'll know that I started running...again back in March of 2013. March 18th to be exact. Wheezing Gorilla 3.0.

One might think that I would make sure to celebrate my 1 year anniversary of running by...going out for a run of course!

Well you'd be wrong.

I spent my anniversary on vacation! No, I didn't go out of town or do anything that would prevent me from getting out and putting in a few miles. I just took the week off.

Oh, I had great plans mind you! The thought of running in the middle of the day after sleeping in was something I was looking forward to. But plans have a funny way of getting changed.

See My Woman has been asking me to get our living room painted for the last couple of years I'm embarrassed to admit. For some reason she wasn't impressed with the plain white paint that adorned the walls!

So I figured with the kids at the in-laws all week, (it happened to be their spring break too) I would have the house all to myself, and painting one room shouldn't take me more than a day right??

Uh, wrong.

You think I would've remembered how much work is involved with painting. I did, after all, paint every room in our first home, as well as the entire 2-story exterior. By the time Monday ended, I had completed only taping! This of course was after I moved everything out of the living room, took the kids to town, picked up paint and supplies, met My Woman for lunch, delivered the children to the in-laws, fixed the in-laws' computer, then met My Woman in town again to pick out more supplies, and then had dinner with My Woman. Only then was I ready to tape!

So bright and early the following morning I was slapping paint on the dreary white walls. Before My Woman got home from work (unfortunately she could not take vacation) I had finished the second and final coat. Thank goodness for paint and primer in one!

Now, at this point I figured I was home free and ready put the place back together just in time to watch the NCAA tournament! (It is after all, one of the main reasons I take this week off!)  But My Woman had other plans.


Honestly it wasn't much. Just mounting new curtain hardware, replacing a few outlets and switches, and oh yeah...ripping out a custom-made built-in book case!

In the end, she was right (like usual) and the new living room setup looks much better without the book case. And after slapping more paint on the wall, patching in a carpet remnant,  and a close call with the satellite, March Madness occurred right on schedule.

Unfortunately my team didn't make it to the second weekend so I won't be too excited to watch the next few rounds...but the living room looks great!!

Despite my lack of running over my week on vacation, I still got out tonight. It was a bit on the chilly side (like 35 degrees chilly), so I threw on my Pro-Combat, laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement.

3.12 miles, 37:04.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Running is still running...

Tuesday night was another treadmill night. One child at home, one child and My Woman out of the house doesn't let me get out and run the streets like I did on Monday.

Something about Child Protective Services coming to see me if he's left home alone or something like that.

So I laced up my Brooks and a hit the treadmill. Didn't go for very long but I did get to catch up on my favorite meth

2.01 miles, 26:42
