Thursday, June 5, 2014

Don't call it a comeback!

No I didn't leave. I've been here the whole time. Just sitting on the couch reflecting on my most recent year of running. Unfortunately I caught the lazy bug again. Started off the first of the year somewhat consistent considering it was nipple cracking cold most of the time. Spent a lot of time on the treadmill watching The Walking Dead.

Got outside when it was a bit warmer fully enclosed in my winter running gear.  But even that didn't keep me consistent.  So there I sat...lazy to the bone.

I did run a couple times in the past few months.  My Baby Girl wanted to run a color run this year so we signed up for The Color Vibe when it came to our area. So in preparation for this event I ran 2 whole times the week before. ...I know! Dedicated huh?

Well disregarding the last couple months of lethargy, I laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement.

Tonight was special because I got to get out with My Woman! She's been on an incredible healthy streak lately and is inspiring me to get my butt in gear!

2 miles of walking and 2 miles of running.

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