Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rocky and Bullwinkle

If you were one of the lucky ones who grew up in the golden age of the Saturday morning cartoons (or at least re-runs of some of the greats) you more than likely sat down in front of the idiot box to enjoy one of the greats.

Rocky and Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha, Peabody and his pet boy Sherman, and of course, Dudley Do-Right.  This cult favorite, which only ran for a total of 5 years, brought humor to both young and old.  Writers of the show mixed good old fashioned slap stick comedy and adult humor.

One of my favorite things about the show was the way they ended nearly every show.  The narrator would announce two humorous titles for the next episode which were really more about the current show's predicament rather than the plot of the next episode.

Tonight's run reminded me of the episodes I used to watch.  Specifically the show endings.  So in true Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends fashion, here's the rest of my blog.

Be with us next time for "Stretching a double into a single" or "Its a bad night for squirrels".

Now to elaborate.

Stretching a double into a single...

Back in the day I was a pretty good athlete.  I spent the majority of my late teens, 20s, and 30s playing softball as much as I could.  I worked a lot of physical jobs so I stayed in pretty good shape.  I was quick and strong, 10 feet tall and bullet-proof.

Then I hit my mid-thirties, found a job in IT, and discovered my mortality.  Weight didnt fall off like it used to, joints started creaking more, and injuries didnt heal like they used to.

Twisted ankles, sprained wrist, and a torn groin later and my role as a softball superstar morphed into the solid "old man" role.  So now when that shot finds the gap between left and left center, what was once a double, potentially a triple, is now a round the bag at first and call it good.  Live to play another day is the motto this old softballer had adopted.

How does this apply to tonight's run?  Well as I've written before, my recent lack of training has really got me struggling to get back where I was before.

Tonight I took off at a faster pace than normal, thinking that I would push myself this week in preparation for my 5K on Saturday.  ...uh, mistake.

I took off at a sub 10 minute first mile.  Unfortunately that killed my next mile.  By the time I got into my third mile, I had come to my senses and was running at the pace that got me to where I was before.  Methodical pace with short bursts of speed.  (You'd think after 8 months of training, I'd have figured this out by now).

Its a bad night for squirrels...

I see my share of animals, both dead and alive, while running.  Tonight was a bit odd though.  Saw 2 dead squirrels on the town roads.  Thought those little suckers were quicker than that.  Wish it was the little black and white varmints.

Overall not a bad run once I got back in the groove.

0.00 miles, 45 minutes.  (GPS failed to work, figured at an average of 5.5 mph, I ran a touch over 4 miles)


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