Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Skunks and Drag Racing

I Just like drag racing hot rods, when the weather is cooler, I run better! 

OK, so enough with the slightly exaggerated similarities...

Short run tonight, went for speed first mile, normal pace the second mile.  I'm actually learning a lot from my MBG's cross country coach.  As he gives her instruction I've learned a few things myself.   The longer stride on the downhill run was an awesome way to improve times.  But mixing up my normal longer runs with shorter faster runs is something I've recently added. 

So that leads us into Tuesday's run...

My first mile was almost a catastrophe before it began!  As I've written about in previous blogs, or little town has a few skunks running around town dropping odorous clouds of prutricity for all to enjoy.  Well there's one such critter that has taken up residence in the neighbor's culvert and has been playing around in his front yard after dark.  As I took off for my run tonight in the direction of the neighbor's house I stopped cold.  Mr LePew was out frolicking like it was downtown Paris!  Not caring about my overall time at that moment, I stood there frozen in the middle of the street contemplating whether or not I could run back to the garage and grab My Pal's Red Rider BB gun!  (no there's not a compass in the stock or a thing that tells time).  Now PePe and I have gone a few rounds over the last few weeks with him getting the business end of that BB gun (which I'm going to assume had only caused minor bruising).  So I decided to take my run in the other direction for fear of retaliation from Mr LePew which would wind up with a tomato bath for me, and banishment from my own bed for certain.  Better to avoid him tonight since just two nights ago I played skunk - assassin while trying to pop a cap in his black and white funk bag at point blank range!  Live and let live was tonight's mantra.  Unfortunately all this rationalizing cost me at least 15 - 20 seconds of run time. 

If you're wondering why my weapon of choice is so non-lethal, its because bazookas aren't legal within city limits yet.  Something about collateral damage. 

Also, if your some sort of PETA freak and are worried about me hurting or even killing this innocent stink-bomb, you're more than welcome to come relocate Mr LePew closer to your front porch.  Kind of what I thought.

First mile, 10:10
Second 1.02 @ 11:06


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