Saturday, September 28, 2013

Motivation and a dog to kick

Many people spend their running time clearing their minds.  Removing the stress of the day by getting out and hitting the pavement.

...I'm not that way.

For some reason when I run, I tend to find something (or somethings) to focus on.  Numerous distractions at work and home tend to keep that from happening (good distractions, just wanted to make that clear), which many people can relate to.  We are all busy and don't always have time to focus on the things we need to.

Sometimes its a problem at work that needs a solution, sometimes its things that need done at the house.  Many times its spent trying to come up with funny stuff for the blog.

Well tonight was like many other nights.  I hopped in my Brooks, took off down the road, and let my mind unwind and focus on what was recently stored in my temporal lobe.  Well apparently tonight's subject had to do with people.  Not just any people mind you, but people in my life who have recently pissed me off.  These people are both friends and family.  I wont go into great detail, they just happened to be what my mind focused on tonight.

Now I will admit, it doesn't take much for me to be annoyed these days.  And turning 40 didn't increase my tolerance (shocker huh?).  But sometimes people just dont make sense.  I actually had quite a bit more here when I originally wrote the post, but like a government official, I went through and removed any language that the weak-spined media would be offended by.  This is the watered down version.

So what's the point?  Well apparently I turned that pissed-off-ness into motivation.  Good thing that stupid dog didnt come out to chase me...

First 2 miles 19:42, apparently pissed-off gas only gets me 2 miles.

2.55 miles, 25:19

Sorry for the depressing post.  Next one will be drop dead, knee-slapping, ROFL, type material. :|


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Like Jordan in the '97 Finals...

Despite feeling under the weather, the greatest of all time gave one of his best performances of his career and in doing so, left behind a game that basketball fans will remember forever.

My run tonight was nothing like that... :)

I was however, feeling under the weather.  I had a case of the sniffles and a sore throat from coughing most of the day.  But just like MJ, I manned up and laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement!

There was no Karl Malone, there was no John Stockton, just me and Pandora.  My opponent was, like it is most nights, myself.  I took off and immediately knew tonight was going to be difficult.  Nights like tonight I set a short goal, then another, and another.  Pretty soon I'm running at a good pace and ready to push my limits.

Tonight I realized early on that distance was going to be difficult.  So I kicked it up a notch and ran a faster pace.

2.13 miles, 22:19


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Call it writers block, call it no material, no matter how you call it, it's been a bad week.

It's been nearly a week since I ran last. 

Not gonna make excuses, not gonna talk about a week full of birthdays, anniversaries, cross country meets, and parties.  There was time to run, just didn't take advantage of it.

Like a crack fiend looking for their fix, I needed to get out and run!  So I grabbed my Brooks and hit the pavement. 

Being addicted to running is an odd feeling.  You can't wait to get out and push your body beyond where it tells you it wants to go.  You play a mental game between your mind and your heart.  You run a good run and feel like you could've done better.  You miss a day and you punish yourself the next run. 

This was my situation this week.  Punishment.

4.84 miles, 53:34


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Gatorade told me...

Been a busy couple of days but I did run on Tuesday.

First mile was pretty strong, think we (had a running partner) ran it in 10:39. Slowed the pace slightly for the second.  Think mile 2 was done at 21:40, or close to it.  Running partner finished at 2 miles, I did one more mile, because I am motivated by the commercials I watch, and Gatorade screamed at me "one more!!!".  

3.11 miles, 34:11


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Run Forest Run!

You might not know this about me, but it shouldn't surprise you when I say that "I can run like the wind blows".

So as I wrote about the other day, MBG asked if I would do a speed workout with her instead of my normal run.  Apparently I was not of sound mind when I agreed to this because it turned out to be more than I bargained for!

My normal runs are usually easy to moderate pace and for an extended duration....Sunday's run was anything but!  We started out with a warm up getting our muscles loose.  Then we ran.  Speed just shy of a sprint for a little over 2 minutes.  Then we rested with a slow walk for another 2 minutes.  Then another hard run for 2 minutes.  Then another slow walk for 2 getting the picture?  Yeah.  So we did this for 6 cycles, which when you think about it didn't sound like much.  WRONG!!

When we started I thought, "ehh, shouldn't be a problem".  That was until about half was through the first hard run.  Holy crap!  I didn't know when those 2 minutes were going to be up!  The runs felt like we were doing 5 minutes and the rests felt like 30 seconds!

I was running so fast I couldn't tell what was hurting and what was just my body saying "What the hell are you doing?!?" 

So after channeling my inner Michael Johnson, we did a "cool down" run.  The idea behind the cool down run is to purge the "galactic acid" from your muscles after a hard workout according to MBG.  (Your welcome Mr Alderman)  This can be achieved by a slow jog.  So this is what we did after our sprints.  However, I'm not sure you could describe my "cool down jog" as a true jog.  My feet were moving my body forward at a slow pace, but it think I actually walk faster than my "cool down jog" speed!

With all this being said...I think I'll do that again.  It was kind of fun.  It's not often that an adult just gets to run full speed without another adult also running behind them telling them to "freeze"! 

No run on Monday, woke up early for work, stood out in the cold rain to watch a Jr High football game, kind of tired.

No distance or time kept.


Friday, September 13, 2013

We're moving on up...

Just like those lovable characters from the 70's sitcom, tonight's run was just like that de-luxe apartment in the sky.  Maybe not so much George but a whole lotta Wheezy

I don't know if it was the lower temperatures, pollen, or age, but tonight was a very difficult start.  Muscles and joints are usually sore, but that's normal.  My lungs felt like I was trying to breathe peanut butter.  I think it was a combination of cooler temps and the fact that I've only run 2 out of the last 4 days . Not a best effort week for this WG.  I hope to do better through the weekend so Sunday evening isn't and painful and difficult as it normally is.

However, MBG (My Baby Girl) told me that she wanted to do some speed training with me this Saturday. ...wait...what??  Speed training??  Uhhh, ummm, what?  I'm not sure what this new level of hell this is going to turn into but I can only imagine.  She's told me about some of the different drills that her cross country coach does with their team.  Which is obviously good for the kids and their training...but is it going to be smart for this fat man to do?  I know I'm still on this side of 40 (unlike Mama Yaya), but as My Woman keeps reminding me, I'm knocking on the door!  In my younger days I was a pretty fast kid.  At one point I was the fastest kid in my school!  (this of course was only after two kids in the class above me graduated to Junior High, couldn't stand those guys).  My athletic prowess as a 5th grader, was the stuff of legend, my accomplishments on the intramural football field as a 6th grade Tony Dorsett, are still talked about in the halls of my old grade school.  Of course much of that was thanks to 6th grade teacher Mr. Z!  Probably my biggest fan next to my dad (and I wasnt even one of his students!).  But speed training with a 13 year old??  I'm 3 times her age!  ...holy crap, i just did that math for the first time.  Talk about a cold reality slap.

Anyway, outside of the lung trouble, the only other excitement was another near-miss with one of our foul smelling citizens.  Little rat was right on the shoulder of the road that I was running on.  Thank God I happened to look up from the blacktop to see him.  I stopped immediately and waited for his move.  As he waddled his way towards center-line I thought, "if he just gets to the culvert on the other side I could blow by him"!  You know, with all my speed, remember?  And I didn't want to turn around to run the other direction and ruin my pace and momentum!  Anyway, he waddled his putrid self over to the other ditch (only after sniffing some road kill in the other lane and picked up a piece in his mouth, no wonder they stink so bad) and slowly disappeared into the culvert.  He stopped and hissed at me at one point during his journey to the ditch.  Probably couldve dropped some ninja death kicks on his furry butt with my lightning quickness before he reached the other side...but thought I'd better play it safe and just continue my run.  

*#$#@#! cost me at least a full 45 seconds on my time.  I need to check and see if its legal to run while packing heat in our little town.  I guess I havent been stopped or arrested with the two guns I already carry... Watch out Mr. LePew!

4.21 miles, 47:50


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wax Poetic

Nothing exciting or interesting in tonight's run.  Just pain.  Sometimes the body hurts more than normal.  Made me think of something I posted on FB awhile back.  I've revised it and it fits for tonight's run.  I just hope I'm not talking to my body parts as I"m running.

Feet say "Hey, the toes are numb".
My Brooks say "Yeah but look at these cool new running socks with the heel shield we just got"!

Knees say "Man, do you know how much you weigh"?
Ibuprofen says "I'll be here when you get back".

Hips say "Were getting too old for this".
Pandora says "I'll stay out here as long as you do".

Lungs say "This humidity makes it hard to breathe".
November says "Just wait til I get here".

Brain says "Listen to your body, let's just quit".
Heart says "Everyone shut up!  Let's run".

Not a bad run tonight.  Did 3 miles in 31 minutes.

3.59 miles, 38:25


Monday, September 9, 2013

Unbusy Saturday and Carbo-Overload

Just like Willie Nelson sang of an Uncloudy Day, I am hoping for an unbusy Saturday.  Whether kids sports, family things, weddings, housework, or mowing, there never seems to be a free Saturday.  This is the story of this Saturday.  My Pal's football team had their season opener this weekend.  The outcome wasn't what we would've liked but it was still great to see the boys out there working hard!  Then getting home and picking up the house and cleaning up the garage after yet another busy week, then another trip to town for a little grocery shopping and then dinner with friends.  Whew!  I'm tired just typing it out. 

No matter the events of the day, I need to find time to run on Saturday.  2 days off is beginning to be too much time between runs.  In reality it's nearly 72 hours.  Makes Sunday's run harder than it should be.  I understand the need for rest and recovery but I think I can less consecutive hours of rest.  We'll see how that works out for me.

Now just like R&R, carbs are good for a runner.  Carbs help provide fuel during exercise and can help you from getting gassed, find more info here.  Things like rice, pasta, and potatoes can be turned into sugars that the body can burn while exerting energy. 

However...when one consumes carbs, one should really consider the amount of a certain dish that gets consumed while loading up on carbs.  Basically 3 servings of my mother-in-law's amazing potato salad was not a well thought out plan.  Probably doesn't help that there was plenty of fried fish, cole slaw, and cucumbers and onions joining the potato salad on my plate!  That with plenty of ice cold sun tea made for a very tasty Sunday afternoon meal at the in-laws, but not a very smart pre-workout meal.  Now don't get me wrong, if I have to choose between an awesome meal and better pre-run menu?  Awesome meal wins every time.  How do you think I got to be gorilla-size anyway?  Of course I could just blame Uncle Dennis for the good eats as they were made in honor of his presence.  And it would've just been disrespectful of me to not enjoy the food so deliciously prepared!

Lesson learned?  Carbo-load carefully!  Watch this video on carbo-loading.  And also the dangers of carbo-overloading!

Some of you might be wondering, but no, there was no carbs lost at the end of my driveway post-run.

4.23 miles, 47:39


Friday, September 6, 2013

Iced Tea

I'm not a complete idiot, just toying on the verge some days.  I know that in order to stay hydrated for exercise, one must consume water and not soda (or beer if its the weekend).  Well since I'm not much of a water drinker and I've been trying to get cured off the Mountain Dew, I've used a trick out of my buddy Loren's book and drink iced tea all day long.  I have been practicing this since I got back to running this last time around, so my soda intake has really dropped.  Problem is that when I dont get my daily intake of iced tea (yes there's caffeine in it, but there's a lot of water!) I am not as hydrated as I should be.

So running on Thursday night, I realized that my body was at a shortage of iced tea, because I started to cramp up like it was my time of the month!  So much so that I had to stop and walk it off until I was able to breathe easier.  I still feel a little of the pain today but am doing my best to take in as much of the amber goodness as I can so that it doesnt happen again!

Now homemade iced sun tea is always the best, with the microwaved home brew next in line.  But as far as the best places I've found to get iced tea away from home...

5. Larry's Short Stop (of course thats usually followed by a 4DF!)
4. Kwik Shop (the cleaner ones, 6th street and 21st street mainly)
3. Any Quik Trip
2. Sonic Drive-In
1. McAlister's Deli served at Allen Fieldhouse!  (duh)

3.68 mi, 41:


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Favorite Running Mate

She doesn't run unless a frog is near or a bat is bearing down on her like a moth in the street light.  She will however join me in a walk from time to time (more so recently).  And no matter the speed, she is my favorite person to travel the streets of our little town with.

My woman, God bless her, doesn't have the longest legs, so her pace is not that of my own.  No matter, the fact that she is with me is good enough.

This point was driven home Tuesday.

Last week a very close friend of my woman's family passed away.  His funeral was Tuesday and we drove down to attend.  This man was the type of man that makes you feel like you could always do better as a husband, a father, and as a person in general.  A God-fearing family man that touched many lives.  And those lives are better for having known him.  

I was only around him a dozen or so times in the nearly 15 years of marriage to my woman.  But from the first time I met him, he treated me like part of his family.  Later on in life, he got to meet my kids.  They learned what it must have been like to be one of his grandkids because of the way he treated them.

We were lucky enough to spend a few weekends down on their farm with them.  The farm covered quite a bit of land and so it was the perfect place to go exploring with the kids, hop on the Kubota and drive around the rough terrain, or go fishing.  It was a wonderful setting for my woman to take pictures of nature.  The kids got to meet and fall in love with his faithful dog Rusty.  My Pal's first words after hearing of the death, was "Is Rusty going to be ok?".  (wipe away your tears at this point)

So what does that have to do with Wednesday night's run?  Well to me, the fact that my woman was there, walking next to me was awesome.  So what if we arent running together just yet?  She was there by my side and that's all that mattered.  

At some point during our time here, one of us will most likely be without the other.  I pray that its well off into the future.  I don't mind talking about death and dying.  That's not what scares me.  Its being without my best friend and soul-mate that fills me with trepidation.  You may not walk or run with your spouse, but make sure you do something together.  Don't sit in front of the TV and waste that time.  Don't get me wrong, I watch plenty of TV, but just make sure its less time than the time you spend together.

You are missed Wilbur.

Walk was a good warm up.

Walked 1.48 miles

Ran 3.21 miles after that, 34:46, 10:36 first mile.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Skunks and Drag Racing

I Just like drag racing hot rods, when the weather is cooler, I run better! 

OK, so enough with the slightly exaggerated similarities...

Short run tonight, went for speed first mile, normal pace the second mile.  I'm actually learning a lot from my MBG's cross country coach.  As he gives her instruction I've learned a few things myself.   The longer stride on the downhill run was an awesome way to improve times.  But mixing up my normal longer runs with shorter faster runs is something I've recently added. 

So that leads us into Tuesday's run...

My first mile was almost a catastrophe before it began!  As I've written about in previous blogs, or little town has a few skunks running around town dropping odorous clouds of prutricity for all to enjoy.  Well there's one such critter that has taken up residence in the neighbor's culvert and has been playing around in his front yard after dark.  As I took off for my run tonight in the direction of the neighbor's house I stopped cold.  Mr LePew was out frolicking like it was downtown Paris!  Not caring about my overall time at that moment, I stood there frozen in the middle of the street contemplating whether or not I could run back to the garage and grab My Pal's Red Rider BB gun!  (no there's not a compass in the stock or a thing that tells time).  Now PePe and I have gone a few rounds over the last few weeks with him getting the business end of that BB gun (which I'm going to assume had only caused minor bruising).  So I decided to take my run in the other direction for fear of retaliation from Mr LePew which would wind up with a tomato bath for me, and banishment from my own bed for certain.  Better to avoid him tonight since just two nights ago I played skunk - assassin while trying to pop a cap in his black and white funk bag at point blank range!  Live and let live was tonight's mantra.  Unfortunately all this rationalizing cost me at least 15 - 20 seconds of run time. 

If you're wondering why my weapon of choice is so non-lethal, its because bazookas aren't legal within city limits yet.  Something about collateral damage. 

Also, if your some sort of PETA freak and are worried about me hurting or even killing this innocent stink-bomb, you're more than welcome to come relocate Mr LePew closer to your front porch.  Kind of what I thought.

First mile, 10:10
Second 1.02 @ 11:06


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So my last post I said that I would get back on track Sunday...

Well you didn't see a post from Sunday night because I obviously did not get out Sunday evening.  I won't make excuses, I was just too lazy to get stuff done early enough in the day to give myself enough time to run.  Punishment requires that I pay for my laziness.

3.78 miles, 42:38


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Time Off

Friday was family hangout night.  Saturday was car shopping day. Will get back on track today.
