When you are a movie fan, you can hear one word or a series of words and it will trigger a scene or line in a movie. If you're really bad, you can talk in movie lines throughout dinner (which My Woman is not a fan of).
So its been awhile since I ran last. 12 days to be exact. Doesn't sound like a lot but when you're a world class athlete it's like forever! :|
So as I'm thinking about what to write, I thought..."I finally got out to run...it's a miracle." To which my brain automatically jumps to the scene in the movie The Shawshank Redemption when Warden Norton discovers that prisoner Andy Dufresne is not in his cell despite being counted in the previous night's bed check. In the scene he starts getting angry and exclaims "Lordy! Its a miracle! The man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!"
...yeah I know.
Could be that the word fart is in the line. That helps it to stick right at the top of my list of favorites.
Decent run. Little chilly, lots of field burning really helped my wheezing too.
2.48 miles 26:20