Thursday, March 27, 2014

Late Late Show...

Not a lot of material tonight.  Just a real late run.  Like after 10pm!  But I didnt want to go more than 2 days without running.

2 miles, 27:00


Monday, March 24, 2014

1 year and 6 days...

It's been exactly 1 year and 6 days since I started running...again.

If you've read any of my early posts of this blog you'll know that I started running...again back in March of 2013. March 18th to be exact. Wheezing Gorilla 3.0.

One might think that I would make sure to celebrate my 1 year anniversary of running by...going out for a run of course!

Well you'd be wrong.

I spent my anniversary on vacation! No, I didn't go out of town or do anything that would prevent me from getting out and putting in a few miles. I just took the week off.

Oh, I had great plans mind you! The thought of running in the middle of the day after sleeping in was something I was looking forward to. But plans have a funny way of getting changed.

See My Woman has been asking me to get our living room painted for the last couple of years I'm embarrassed to admit. For some reason she wasn't impressed with the plain white paint that adorned the walls!

So I figured with the kids at the in-laws all week, (it happened to be their spring break too) I would have the house all to myself, and painting one room shouldn't take me more than a day right??

Uh, wrong.

You think I would've remembered how much work is involved with painting. I did, after all, paint every room in our first home, as well as the entire 2-story exterior. By the time Monday ended, I had completed only taping! This of course was after I moved everything out of the living room, took the kids to town, picked up paint and supplies, met My Woman for lunch, delivered the children to the in-laws, fixed the in-laws' computer, then met My Woman in town again to pick out more supplies, and then had dinner with My Woman. Only then was I ready to tape!

So bright and early the following morning I was slapping paint on the dreary white walls. Before My Woman got home from work (unfortunately she could not take vacation) I had finished the second and final coat. Thank goodness for paint and primer in one!

Now, at this point I figured I was home free and ready put the place back together just in time to watch the NCAA tournament! (It is after all, one of the main reasons I take this week off!)  But My Woman had other plans.


Honestly it wasn't much. Just mounting new curtain hardware, replacing a few outlets and switches, and oh yeah...ripping out a custom-made built-in book case!

In the end, she was right (like usual) and the new living room setup looks much better without the book case. And after slapping more paint on the wall, patching in a carpet remnant,  and a close call with the satellite, March Madness occurred right on schedule.

Unfortunately my team didn't make it to the second weekend so I won't be too excited to watch the next few rounds...but the living room looks great!!

Despite my lack of running over my week on vacation, I still got out tonight. It was a bit on the chilly side (like 35 degrees chilly), so I threw on my Pro-Combat, laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement.

3.12 miles, 37:04.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Running is still running...

Tuesday night was another treadmill night. One child at home, one child and My Woman out of the house doesn't let me get out and run the streets like I did on Monday.

Something about Child Protective Services coming to see me if he's left home alone or something like that.

So I laced up my Brooks and a hit the treadmill. Didn't go for very long but I did get to catch up on my favorite meth

2.01 miles, 26:42


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New math for old runners.

Factoring polynomials and trinomials.

Combinations and permutations.

Mean, median, mode, range and outliers.

Thanks to My Baby Girl's Algebra homework this year, my math skills have been awakened from a 22 year coma.

Now while I still don't use these skills on  a daily basis (or weekly, yearly, etc...) they have helped me come to the realization that there is a direct correlation between age and the speed at which one falls out of shape.  I believe that this can be explained by a simple mathematical equation.

First let's define the variables...

x = number of days run in a week 
y = years of age
t = average distance ran per day over specified week
r = 20 if you ran outside, 42.5 if you ran on a treadmill
q = volume of lung capacity at rest
a = amount of time since last meal was consumed, number represented by decimal
z = number of days spent on the couch instead of running over specified week

Next we define our algorithm...


See??  Simple.

Math can be fun!

3.3 miles, 37:14.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

The great outdoors!

Just like in the great Willie Nelson country song, "On the Road Again", I laced up my Brooks and hit the pavement instead of the treadmill tonight.

It sure seems a heck of a lot warmer earlier in the day , but tonight lacked any heat whatsoever.

I had most of my winter gear on with the exception of my gloves. I'm sure there is a blog post in there somewhere about that smooth move but I just didn't have the material brewing in my head. Must have been because my hands were too cold.

2.16 mi, 23:06 min.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Breaking Bad...habits.


So I admitted to my addiction to the show The Walking Dead last post.  I admitted to firing up the Netflix while on the treadmill and getting caught up with my favorite Zombie-Apocalypse survivors.  Its been a nice change to passing the time while running indoors.

Well before I was addicted to TWD, I was a fan of Heisenberg...

Yeah I know.

Walter White, the blue meth making, cancer battling, drug lord killing, law avoiding, meth empire building Chemistry teacher and his sidekick Jessie were my original Netflix fix.  Before that I'd only watched movies on Netflix, I had not tapped the potential of the commercial-less TV series watching!  I think by the time I started watching Breaking Bad it was already into its second or third season.  By then it had a cult like following.

I did my best to try and catch up with the series so I could follow along on regular programming, but things like a job and my family got in the way of my fun.

...dang freaking responsibilities.

Now before I finally got caught up with season 4 and started into the season 5 (final season) on Netflix, the second half of season 5 had already completed on TV.  I caught a few comments online but for the most part had been able to avoid any BB updates that would've spoiled my watching later on.  Needless to say my hankering for more meth-making drama was high (get it?).  I wound up filling that void with zombies.

So a little over a week ago I got the email...


...sorry about that.  I'm a little ate up with the show.

So what does that have to do with Monday's run?  I'm glad you asked.

So Breaking Bad is about one of my favorite shows, and my bad habit is not running like I should.

...see how I did that?  Kind of a play on words there.  I know creative right?

Anyway, I'm sure I'll incorporate more of my favorite shows in future posts.  Just keeps you coming back for more.

3.52 miles, 42:44.
